Untitled Wall Prosthetic

Tuesday February 28th, 2006
Untitled | 2006 | ceramic, wood, latex and acrylic paint, nail polish, acoustic texture and joint compound

Untitled (detail) | 2006 | ceramic, wood, latex and acrylic paint, nail polish, acoustic texture and joint compoundUntitled (detail) | 2006 | ceramic, wood, latex and acrylic paint, nail polish, acoustic texture and joint compound

Untitled | 2006 | ceramic, wood, latex and acrylic paint, nail polish, acoustic texture and joint compound

This work is a continuation of something I started a year ago. The main difference is that instead of being connected to the wall with lots of joint compound, this piece hangs on the wall.


  1. Morning Work
  2. It's Coming Along
  3. Currently reading → Untitled Wall Prosthetic