May 24, 2007
Street Tar Contours

Untitled Sketch | 2007
This idea has been in my mind for a while now. Not sure how to execute it so I thought I would do a digital sketch to keep it fresh. The tar used to seal up cracks create such beautiful forms. Originally I figured I would try to take bird's-eye photographs as the finished product. I'm still uneasy about photography. I feel that it would just seem like a copy of an original, although I'm still entertaining the idea. Cutting out a huge piece of asphalt would be great but a little impractical at the moment. Trying to recreate this is still what I'm aiming for.
The idea popped back into my just yesterday when I thought about going out and painting them where they lie. The complimentary colors have a nice vibration going as well. I'm not very dedicated to the idea so far but I though I could at least give a try without actually defacing public property. I can't imagine what a home owner would think about seeing me out in front painting his/her street (except to call the police).