Some Heres and Theres

Friday April 16th, 2010

I started covering the handle in salt a while ago. I finally decided it was done and hung it above my studio door. Hopefully it’ll give some good luck.

Quick sketches of street tar contours with ink and colored pencil on velum.

Another street tar contour. Acrylic and gouache on paper.

Patterns based on traffic signal embeds. The actual patterns are great but my sketches are a long way off. Acrylic and oil on paper.

Just a quick post to keep things alive around here. I’ve been getting to the studio a lot more lately. Things have been going smoothly. Not much else to say.

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  • Lisa Fitzer-Kluttz

    Your arts is interesting…

    Any relation to the WI Fitzers from Hamburg 1880?
    or Butzow, Mecklenburg province, Deutschland?

  • Thanks.
    No clue on the relationship, never looked into it.