July 5, 2010

More than I Can Process, at the Moment Anyway

new developments in AI

AI does teach us about intelligence. It teaches us that “intelligence” is a motley assortment of heuristics, kludges, and cheap tricks. The danger with AI is not that machines will become smarter than us, but that we will become as dumb as machines. The absurdly prescient William S. Burroughs was wise to this fifty years ago. “The study of thinking machines teaches us more about the brain than we can learn by introspective methods,” pronounces Dr. Benway, in 1959’s Naked Lunch. “Western man is externalizing himself in the form of gadgets.”

It's going to take a handful of reads to really wrap my head around it, but the first has proven entirely enthralling.

June 27, 2010

A Little Exercise

Ink on paper

Needing to get some things off my mind, I tore down some sketchbook paper and started drawing whatever came out. Together they look like hieroglyphics but as I drew them they were just forms and compositions that had been swimming around.

I remember the Art of the Maya class I took in graduate school having a big effect on me and I still have a few of the books lying around. After I hung these, I looked through one of them again. I couldn't place any specific form but some of them definitely had an overall quality that showed a close relationship.

I've been thinking a lot about over-thinking my work (no pun intended). The self-impossed requirement to understand what will come after the very thing I have yet to make has been paralyzing.

I don't have a big drive to explain my work but yet it seems obligatory in the current environment. I love a great story but when it involves the purported meaning behind an art object or experience, I usually tune it out as it's often heavy-handed and trite. A contrived story can really kill a good piece and a bad piece is rarely helped by a great story. But yet, they persist and it sells.

Maybe it gives people something to hang onto while they let themselves absorb the work. I know I've been guilty of this in relationships. It takes time to get to the heart of something and in the meantime I'll create a story that gives me some foundation while I work out what's real and meaningful from what's superfluous and distracting.

No answers are forthcoming here, but the stream-of-consciousness drawings above help me cut through to something that is actually helpful.

June 24, 2010


Temptation- Tom Waits

A snowy trip to Buffalo somewhere in the mid 90's, driving a black, VW Fox. I did a 360° just before the exit to Robin's place. Hit some 'black ice' and regained control like nothing happened. We watched a preschool production of The Wizard of Oz that was most likely the first play I'd ever seen. It was excellent. Waited in her dad's white S-10 with this tape playing while she got the tickets. The snow was coming down and the passenger-side view of the early to mid-century school building was beautiful.

June 24, 2010

Shanking Infants

"Still delirious the next morning, I woke up and immediately decided that I needed juice more than anything in the world. I would have shanked an infant for juice."

Texas - Hyperbole and a Half

May 19, 2010

Phone Screens Using Skype

In the limited amount of phone screens I've done this sounds like it would have helped.

The biggest problem with doing technical interviews over the phone is that when you ask hard questions, the subject of the interview has to think about their answer, and may even need to write things down to get their answer together. When you’re talking on the phone, nothing is conveyed. There’s an awkward silence punctuated by the interviewer letting the interviewee know that it’s OK that they’re not talking while they think about it. People get more nervous, and I think it hurts the quality of their answers.

Interviewing over Skype

May 8, 2010

This Looks Interesting: noSWFUpload

I've been thinking about the subpar experience of the WordPress media manager lately. Getting it out of a modal and removing the need for Flash to upload multiple files would go a long way towards providing a better posting experience.

While searching out anyone else who might be thinking the same thing, I found the following project in Google Code:


"Multiple files upload without SWF objects, applets Java, or other third parts plug-ins."

I'll be trying this out first chance I get.

May 1, 2010

Video Fixation

I have to admit, I'm a little fixated on these 2 videos (nsfw):

Die Antwoord - Zef Side

Die Antwoord - Enter The Ninja

Her voice, sexuality and haircut are totally at odds and make for a somewhat scary tension (especially in the second video). His low brow rap name (Ninja), Pink Floyd shorts and homemade tattoos belie the controlled, high production values of the video.

No idea what's up with the dj. In the first video, he's seems as if he has no idea what the hell's going on. In the second, he's portrayed by "progeria sufferer Leon Botha, a prominent Cape Town artist" [which wikipedia told me].

Anyway, fixated.

They're somewhere between performance and spectacle. They've manufactured a very seamless persona and created other, totally opposite personas as well, like MaxNormal.tv. This interview shows a bit more of the difference.

I first heard of them via BoingBoing. Give 'em a watch.

April 22, 2010


Elizabeth was just accepted to UCLA! If you know her (she's my girlfriend) make sure to congratulate her.

April 16, 2010

Some Heres and Theres

I started covering the handle in salt a while ago. I finally decided it was done and hung it above my studio door. Hopefully it'll give some good luck.

Quick sketches of street tar contours with ink and colored pencil on velum.

Another street tar contour. Acrylic and gouache on paper.

Patterns based on traffic signal embeds. The actual patterns are great but my sketches are a long way off. Acrylic and oil on paper.

Just a quick post to keep things alive around here. I've been getting to the studio a lot more lately. Things have been going smoothly. Not much else to say.

March 24, 2010

David Mamet's Memo

Sound advice from David Mamet to the writers of The Unit:


via DF